What's cooking?

No, this isn't a scene from "Doctor House" (the Russian translation of "House", equally popular in Russia, according to my mother).

Our kids are at a bread baking plant in Kostroma which they visited as part of the JA (Junior Achievement) seminar that Audrey and Halee led at the Kostroma Ministry Center.

Twenty KMC leaders participated, and eight young people from Vladimir, Ivanovo and Kostroma were trained to be trainers while helping lead the sessions.

I just love their feedback:

Vitya, one of the participants, says: "I enjoyed all of the sessions, especially on the 16 skills for Success. It also felt great to do a service project in a local hospital. And, thank you, Audrey, for delicious dinner!"

Anya, a trainer, says: "We learned to work as a team, to make decisions, to listen to and support one another. I wish we had more such trainings because they teach the young people to think, to trust, and to do a good job. I'm so happy to have had this opportunity and such valuable experience. My desire is to help orphans in the future and this knowledge would be very helpful to me and to them."

Masha, another trainer, says: "This training taught us to pursue our goals and our dreams, it also showed us that there are people who care about us. This encouraged me a lot."

The KMC staff observed the great impact that the training made in these young people. Important ingredients: knowledge, care, team work, encouragement, respect and appreciation of each others' gifts... and always love - were mixed together and now Success is cooking.